Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just Sew Opening

We officially opened the doors of Just Sew on October 22, 2008.

It has been fun, exciting, crazy, scary, a bit unreal, and amazing all at the same time. Alice had it well on the way before I got down here, but there was still something to do every day. Part of the reason why you have heard nothing from me since we moved! It has all come together without any major problems and I think very well.

Opening day jitters went away very quickly when ladies started filling up the store .

We have had a very good response to the store. Everyone seems excited that we are here. They are especially excited that they have a quilt shop right here and don't have to travel so far to get to one. The closest one is 5 miles away! According to my Wyoming roots that would be in my back yard, but I'm glad that they feel differently.

This is our modern section. I learned quickly that I am part of the OLDER generation when we were stocking this section and I kept wanting to put the fabric in the reproduction section! What the younger gals think is modern is straight out of my mother's kitchen. I'm sure that one of the pieces is my mother's tablecloth! Just goes to show you how there are really no new styles, just older ones brought back to a generation that hasn't seen it before. Even a lot of the clothes styles are like what we wore in the 60's!

This next section is my favorite - the reproduction fabric - civil war, revolutionary war, the 30's and a fairly new one, the 40's. I love it all. I made this display quilt this summer in my spare time of course! It is with the Creation for a Cause line from Moda. They reproduced these fabrics from an old quilt and the profit from it will go to help cancer victims. That is so neat.

Lynette's sister-in-law, Linda, went antique shoppping in Denver for us and found all these wonderful trunks to display our fabric in. I love them. I have my Underground Railroad on display here and we have had really good response to it. No one seems to have seen it in the small size and they want to try it. Alice made the disappearing nine-patch for her niece. Isn't it cute.

This is our kid's section, so many cute fabrics. The one that has been the most popular (we sold out in a couple of days) is the paper doll fabric.

I made this display quilt and it has pockets to put the paper dolls and clothes in. All the little girls love these dolls! They are cute and sturdy and fun to dress.

Another really popular kit is the catepillar quilt that Natilie made. We have had to order more of this fabric too. Most of the next bolts of both of these are all ready on reserve. It is amazing to see what are the popular kits.

This is our Halloween section and Alice made the cute quilt which we have kits for. She even sold one on line when she showed it on her blog. Way to go Alice! We don't even have our online store set up yet, but watch for it because we will. The Halloween pillow case kits have been really popular too. Aren't they cute!

And our Christmas section. I know it isn't even Halloween yet, but I'm told we are about 3 months late already. You have to start so early. My sister, Lorna, made the quilt. It is so beautiful and I know, I don't have the binding on it, but I had to put it out as soon as it was quilted. I am working on the binding this weekend. Love the applique! Christina, do you recognize the dresser you made in high school. It makes a great dispaly case. Thanks for letting us use it. And last but not least is the cash register, the main reason we are doing this. We had the table custom made and I think it turned out real well. And as we say to our customer -Thanks for visiting our store and come back soon!